Internet Shortwave Reciever Professional Software Ver. 1.5
(too old to reply)
Scott Smith
2011-09-03 10:24:15 UTC
Internet Shortwave Reciever Professional Software Ver. 1.5
High Performace Internet Shortwave Monitor
LSB USB AM CW Modulation
Programmable Band Options
Unlimited Internet Shortwave Stations
Fully Programmable Station URLS
Low Paypal Price, Special $40 Offer
Richard Webb
2011-09-04 19:06:18 UTC
On Sat 2011-Sep-03 06:24, Scott Smith spammed ...

Written by: John Henry
Modified for use on aapls
(check all boxes that apply)

[] Clueless Newbie

[ ] Troller

[ ] "Me too"-er

[] Inconsiderate poster

[x ] Spammer

[x] Dumbass

[ ] Racist

[ ] Expert on everything (EOE)

[ ] Flamethrower

[ ] News Groupie

You Are Being Flamed Because:

[ ] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand

[x ] You are trying to make money on a non-commercial newsgroup

[ ] You posted a picture (binary) in an unmoderated TEXT ONLY
news group

[ ] You started a long, stupid thread

[ ] You continued spreading a long stupid thread

[ ] You started a thread that has been discussed here continuously
for the last year and a half

[x] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it

[] You didn't pay attention to the originating post header and
posted a follow-up to crossposted robot-generated spam

[ ] You posted a "test" in a discussion group rather than
in alt.test

[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You posted low-IQ flamebait

[ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
[] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll

[ ] You said "X rules, Y sucks" and gave no support for your lame

[ ] You said "me too" to something and added NOTHING to the

[] You make no sense
[ ] You posted the same text multiple times

[] You made a post yet failed to say anything

[ ] You posted a phone-sex ad

[ ] You posted "upside down" by just adding your comments to the
top of the previous post

[] You seem to dumb to learn to trim your posts

[ ] You posted a stupid pyramid money making scheme

[ ] You claimed a pyramid-scheme/chain letter for money was legal

[ ] Your margin settings (or lack of) make your post unreadable


[] You posted a 1 line reply with PAGES of unnecessary quoted text

[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally
worthless that you are being flamed anyway

[ ] You gave bad or dangerous advice

To Repent, You Must:

[] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're

[x ] READ every post in this group for two weeks so you can get an
idea about what is discussed here

[] Read every newsgroup you posted to for a week

[ ] Give up your AOL account

[ ] Give up your WebTV account

[] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it

[x] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor (monitor must be
plugged in)

[ ] Actually post something relevant

[ ] Post to alt.test

[x] Print your home phone number and address in your ads

[] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month

[ ] Learn to format your posts properly so we can read them
[ ] Nothing, we'll let you go this time

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[x] Get a clue

[] Get a life

[x] Go away

[ ] Grow up

[] Never post again

[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help

[ ] Like a neutered dog, you just don't get it

[] Take your gibberish somewhere else

[] Go back to school and actually learn something
[] Learn how to post or get off the Usenet

[] Don't take offense at this, I just like to use this form
[ ] All of the above

| Remove .my.foot for email
| via Waldo's Place USA Fidonet<->Internet Gateway Site
| Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his own.