Post by SotR***** Try a no name piece of Chinese disco gear.
... Phil ***
Don't mean to break your cold, black heart Phil, but the amp is a Crown XTi6002.
The XTi's I have (3) seem to be pretty conventional as far as Speakon
goes. One of them is wired for bridging. I have to XTi 2000s and one XTi
1000. I'm very happy with what I can do with the inboard DSP.
Compared to similar sized amps of the I-Tech series, they're pretty weak.
There are no such things as similar I-Tech amps and XTi amps. The lightest
I-Tech amp weighs 28 pounds while the heaviest Xti weighs 24 pounds. The
most expensive XTi costs $1800 while the cheapest I-tech runs more like
$2400 - comparble street pricing. There are no I-Techs and Xtis that have
the same power ratings. So Rupert , if you are trying to prove some point,
the point should already be painfully obviious which begs the question of
why you are trying to prove it...
And the DSP is very limited.
Based on what? Ever try to actually use the Xti DSP? Sure the Xti DSP is
limited if you are looking for a high end full-boat amplifier management
system. But it doesn't take a PhD in rocket science to understand the why or
how of that. Wouldn't any reasonable person expect that?
Rupert are you saying that if you don't have a high end, full-boat amplifier
management system you can't get the system to work?
Rupert, it is clear that you have no personal experience with any of these
amps because all you can do is echo rumor and unattributed anecdotes.
They're terrible on sub duty
Interesting - I use one for sub duty and am very happy with it. But what do
I know, I only work with the things, hands-on. LOL!
and run out of gas quickly before clipping.
"Run out of gas" how?
In applications where you're not pushing them, they're ok.
Why would an amp in a well-designed system be "pushed"? Rupert, don't you
believe in proper, conservative design?
But for anything heavy duty, they're not very good.
Based on what? Rumor? Anecdote?
I know of several sound companies that purchased XTi 4000
and 6000 amps for their C rigs that didn't want to pony up for the
comparable I-Tech amps. They wound up getting rid of them in short
order because the amps just don't deliver what they claim.
Translation - the above comment is based on unattributed anecdote and rumor,
not personal experience. The basic complaint is that a cheaper amp doesn't
perform identically the same as a far more expensive amp in someone's casual
I think all the latest Crown amps aren't very good compared to their
higher end predecessors.
So Rupert you are admitting you are prejudiced against the current Crow
product. Based on what personal experience? You've had the whole product
line through your shop?
I'd rather have Camcos or Lab Gruppen amps instead.
The difference in price per watt is huge.
Sure, I'd rather have a $100,000 car than a $20,000 car, especially if I
could sell the expensive car, drive around in the cheap one, and use the
vast difference in cash for purposes that are more meaningful to me.
But then again, they don't come in lower cost models. As
usual, you get what you pay for.
Interesting Rupert that you now think that "you get what you pay for" when
you were previously faulting the XTis because their performance doesn't
equal or surpass that of far more expensive product with higher power
ratings. If you get what you pay for, and the Xtis are cheaper, where's the
Here's a news flash for you Rupert. The XTis are what is known in the trade
as a "value product". No pretense of being high end. In my personal
experience, they can be very useful. Of course you have to be smart enough
to use them within their limitations. IME they perform in excess of their
specs. Have you actually compared their performance to their specs? I can
tell you that running these amps out to their specified performance limits
takes a bit of special mouth holding which pretty much belies the impression
that you seem to be trying to convey.
Do your fucking research Arnold.
XTi4000 rated output @ 4 ohms bridged: 3200 watts. IT4000 rated output
at 4 ohms bridged: 5000 watts.
performance wise. Don't believe me? Go get subwoofer matched to the
power rating on those amps & try it YOURSELF. There is NO comparison.
The XTi's are pussy amps.
church service don't require the use of serious power amps. But in the
SIMILAR sized amps. Mr. Rupert there seems to have a grasp on the real
world which you apparently do not. Based on his posts vs. yours over
the years, I'd say YOU really don't know WTF you're talking about.
P.S. the limiters on the XTi SUCK