eBay EAW 2194s Would you buy them?
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Arny Krueger
2004-06-20 03:37:59 UTC
I was rummaging around eBay and noticed that a pair of EAW MK2194's were up
for auction as follows:



Price seems right, seem like quality speakers with a lot of potential for a
low price.

What's wrong with this picture?
Bob Urz
2004-06-20 05:38:26 UTC
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Arny Krueger
2004-06-20 09:57:49 UTC
Post by Bob Urz
Your essentially buying the guts. And who knows how beat up they are.
It would cost a lot to ship unless you could pick them up.
Thumbs down.
Thanks, Bob and Les.
2004-06-19 05:38:57 UTC
Post by Arny Krueger
I was rummaging around eBay and noticed that a pair of EAW MK2194's were up
Price seems right, seem like quality speakers with a lot of potential for a
low price.
What's wrong with this picture?
They have obviously been out in the weather. I looked at them myself until I
noticed the water damage to the box. There is cracks in the box consistent
with water getting in and swelling the box, there is also the obvious rust
to the every metallic piece on the outside. They say they sine tested them,
but that really doesn't mean a whole lot. If they could guarantee the
drivers themselves I would probably pick them up and copy the box design,
but this one would be a risk.

Peter Larsen
2004-06-20 10:32:01 UTC
Post by Arny Krueger
I was rummaging around eBay and noticed that a pair of EAW MK2194's were up
Price seems right, seem like quality speakers with a lot of potential for a
low price.
What's wrong with this picture?
You need to be handy with a musical saw ... these boxes nmay have been
standing on the ground in an outhouse for very long time or have been
mounted in the open air with insufficient rain protection.

"Cabinets bottom wood trim has rotted"

"Cabinets wood trim has rotted and all corners are cracked."

All corners cracked suggest a fall as I read this.

If that was the only damage, then you could hope that someone is handy
with a woodwork near you, but with that water damage you would want to
see the units to know that they are not rusty and to know that the voice
coil can in fact move in the gap.

The way to purchase these is imo to pick them up at zero cost, build new
boxes, have all units disassembled and inspected and then pay the seller
a reasonable amount for loudspeaker and driver chassis and magnets and
horns if they recone allright. Just my opinion, but such speakers in
that state should not be a remote purchase.

Kind regards

Peter Larsen
* My site is at: http://www.muyiovatki.dk *
Peter Larsen
2004-06-20 10:33:21 UTC
Post by Arny Krueger
I was rummaging around eBay and noticed that a pair of EAW MK2194's were up
Price seems right, seem like quality speakers with a lot of potential for a
low price.
What's wrong with this picture?
They are in Orlande, Andrew probably did it ....

Kind regards

Peter Larsen
* My site is at: http://www.muyiovatki.dk *
2004-06-20 16:23:53 UTC
Post by Arny Krueger
I was rummaging around eBay and noticed that a pair of EAW MK2194's were up
for auction
Notice that the seller also has a 12" driver out of same model box.
Probably came from a box that was too far gone to sell, and the two
complete ones aren't far behind it.

Arny Krueger
2004-06-20 19:05:27 UTC
Post by BillHart,KarenPierce
Post by Arny Krueger
I was rummaging around eBay and noticed that a pair of EAW MK2194's
were up for auction
Notice that the seller also has a 12" driver out of same model box.
Probably came from a box that was too far gone to sell, and the two
complete ones aren't far behind it.
After I read the posts by Les and Bob, that thought crossed my mind.

I'm convinced - I don't want them, even for just the price of shiping 70
pounds from Orlando to Detorit.
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2012-06-13 04:21:56 UTC
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Richard Webb
2012-06-13 17:09:05 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Serving those who need it most! Anytime Restoration is a family
operated company built on stupidity.
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