Post by TiglathPost by PhildoPost by tiglathBy reading a few of your interlocutors I see you have a reputation of
being highly opinionated and given to universal statements and absolute
By reading a few of your posts on here I have come to the conclusion that
you are a know-nothing twat,
And there he crosses the line, therefore setting himself up no longer as
debater but entertainment. I hope you are better at it that at sound
Remember in days ahead when potential regrets may set in that you cast the
first stone with an unprovoked offensive attack.
I have no problem admitting my ignorance in matters I am ignorant of, I have
done so here several times. You should try it.
Post by Phildovery highly opinionated yourself, jealous of
those of us
Hilarious. You are the equivalent of those in museums who hang the
pictures of true artists in the walls tastefully and call it an art, and for
what I read here you are not even held in very high esteem by your
colleagues, which makes you a mediocre 'painting hanger.' One who dreams
others envy him. I shall soon demonstrate to you how much there is to envy
in you. Please write more.
Post by PhildoThere is a big difference between Bose home stuff and their pro audio.
You don't read too well, do you. The BOSE PAS system is not sold as home
audio but as professional equipment for musicians, and that is what we've
been talking about in this thread FROM THE OUTSET. What's your problem,
too many birds on your antennae?
I forgot you are the fellow who couldn't even think of the Behringer model
that beats the Mack 1402 VLZ-Pro, even though he swore there was one.
Why do you favor cheap stuff like Behringer? Is your lack of
success what keeps you strapped for cash?
How much you make in a year, boy?
Let us see what there is for others to be so jealous of...
Post by PhildoOf course, you being a know-nothing amateur you wouldn't know that.
It's funny to see you dig a deeper hole for yourself.
Post by PhildoCongratulations, you just made a complete tit of yourself in front of the
whole group.
In just one post you've wrote enough to merit being called a prick, but
considering your bad vibrations you are more like a faulty dildo.
Phildo The Dildo, it has a nice ring to it.
Post by PhildoI grew up mixing on a bose system (802/302), I know their
strengths, weaknesses and how they compare with what is out there today.
In other words you don't have a Bose PAS but pretend to have an informed
opinion of it.
Post by PhildoTheir professional gear is dated,
How can the PAS be so dated if it was invented recently?
Post by Phildoover-marketed, overpriced and needs
drastic processing to sound anywhere near decent. Good for speech but
Many professional and amateur musicians disagree with you.
I don't know much you but after reading a few of your posts and seeing the
way you interact with your colleagues and how inept you are at keeping
polite company, your character and mental furniture become evidently clear.
It means that your opinion compared to that of successful musicians is not
worth hearing unless one has a love for mockery. It also means that it
would be an excellent investment to buy you for what you are worth and sell
you for what you think you are worth.
You quote the opinions of pro and amateur musicians as thier benchmark for
bose's 'pro' gear.
Please remember that there are a lot of manufacturers that will market their
products as being 'pro', when compared to what the real pro's use it is no
where near.
Also remember that a lot of the sound engineers do get to work with what can
easily be claimed as the best equipment in the business, be it speakers,
mixing consoles, or outboard, and as such they are the benchmark by which we
define equipment.
Obviously there are situations where such highly specced equipment would be
overkill, and this would be where the Bose kit fits in, along with a load of
other lesser grade equipment.
Ceraintly from a UK point of view I have seen bands using bose rigs, but
never real pro level bands - more amateur to semi pro bands, who have been
conned by bose's marketing and word of mouth from other muso's who've been
fooled, and mostly have bought their kit from music instrument shops, rather
than pro audio dealers.
So, when you come here asking for opinions on gear, it will be held up to a
benchmark of the good gear we've used, and the benchmark for a pro band will
be the pro band we've worked with.
If the pros here say something is not good, then it could be that it is not
good compared to the great toys we get to play with or it could be we
believe there is better you can get for your money/for your situation.
With that perspective I would stand by what Phil said, in that Bose stuff
has not had a great reputation in the past for producing great gear (despite
their marketing to the contrary) although it is possible although unlikely
that they have changed. Which leads me to another thing I was thinking on,
that pros tend to stcik with what they know, so if they know a particular
brand not to be good, then they will take a lot of persuasion (if at all
possible) to change their opinions.
All in all we can make a lot of money based on our equipment choices and
sound we produce. If it doesn't sound good, or something fails, then it
throws things into a bad situation.
Not particulary trying to answer your questions, more so try and explain our
experience and point of views